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You fit me better than my favorite sweater

After the success of the first giveaway, Mr. Gugu & Miss Go and are pleased to present you again with an exclusive contest to win four super fancy sweaters!

Please read it carefully before proceeding

Four lucky fans of Lana Del Rey will be able to win one of three different sweaters exclusively designed by Mr. Gugu & Miss Go in partnership with Check the three sweaters from the collection here.

Special Discount: -30%
Didn’t have the chance to enter the giveaway? Love the other Mr. Gugu & Miss Go designs?
Grab your 30% discount code which you can use to buy any Mr. Gugu & Miss Go products!
Discount code: lanafans

Official Rules:

To enter the giveaway – win the sweaters:

  1. Like this post dedicated to the giveaway on our Facebook page (required);
  2. Submit a comment on the same post by telling us why do you deserve one of these cool sweaters (required);
  3. Ask your friends to vote on Facebook! The four most voted comments win one sweater each (required);
  4. Like the Facebook pages: Mr. Gugu & Miss Go and Lana Del Rey Fans (optional);

The giveaway ends December 10th, 2018 at 11:59pm (GMT). When time expires, we’ll check the four public winners, message them directly (using the Facebook option of “message” provided near the comment written by the user and ask for a contact to give to Mr. Gugu & Miss Go) and announce the lucky fans on social media. If you make the top 4, to assure you are notified as the winner, send a direct message to our page with your e-mail address.

Special Discount: -30%
Didn’t have the chance to enter the giveaway? Love the other Mr. Gugu & Miss Go designs?
Grab your 30% discount code which you can use to buy any Mr. Gugu & Miss Go products!
Discount code: lanafans

Please note – Responsibility:
The management of this website and Lana Del Rey Fans are not responsible for the delivery (delays, import charges such as duties, VAT & any other additional costs) and the shipping of the sweaters to each one of the four winners. Mr. Gugu & Miss Go will be the one in charge of the entire procedure including taking care of your data. In addition, we don’t take any responsibility in case of any loss or damage of shipment.
When developing this contest, both parties agreed in respecting the “rules & terms” of Facebook. In this way, also note that the social network is not responsible or associated to this giveaway. Any doubts or questions please e-mail us.

Good luck!

More? Follow us on Twitter | Instagram & Like us on Facebook.

Arquivado em: News , Other , Site

You fit me better than my favorite sweater

Mr. Gugu & Miss Go and are pleased to present you with an exclusive giveaway of four super fancy sweaters!

Please read it carefully before proceeding

Four lucky fans of Lana Del Rey will be able to win one of three different sweaters exclusively designed by Mr. Gugu & Miss Go in partnership with Check the three sweaters from the collection here.

Official Rules:

To enter the giveaway – win the sweaters:

  1. Like this post dedicated to the giveaway on our Facebook page (required);
  2. Submit a comment on the same post by telling us why do you deserve one of these cool sweaters (required);
  3. Ask your friends to vote on Facebook! The four most voted comments win one sweater each (required);
  4. Like the Facebook pages: Mr. Gugu & Miss Go and Lana Del Rey Fans (optional);

The giveaway ends June 3th, 2018 at 11:59pm (GMT). When time expires, we’ll check the four public winners, message them directly (using the Facebook option of “message” provided near the comment written by the user and ask for a contact to give to Mr. Gugu & Miss Go) and announce the lucky fans on social media. If you make the top 4, to assure you are notified as the winner, send a direct message to our page with your e-mail address.

Please note – Responsibility:
The management of this website and Lana Del Rey Fans are not responsible for the delivery (delays, import charges such as duties, VAT & any other additional costs) and the shipping of the two phone cases to each one of the four  winners. Mr. Gugu & Miss Go will be the one in charge of the entire procedure including taking care of your data. In addition, we don’t take any responsibility in case of any loss or damage of shipment.
When developing this contest, both parties agreed in respecting the “rules & terms” of Facebook. In this way, also note that the social network is not responsible or associated to this giveaway. Any doubts or questions please e-mail us.

Good luck!

More? Follow us on Twitter | Instagram & Like us on Facebook.

Arquivado em: Contests , News , Other , Site

After touring in North and South America, Australia, Lana Del Rey is heading to Europe and we want you to bring as many fans as possible with you through your own camera!

If you are attending any of the upcoming six European shows and would like to be our local correspondent, then this challenge is definitely for you.


April 11, 2018: ITALY – Milan, Mediolanum Forum
April 13, 2018: ITALY – Rome, Palalottomatica
April 16, 2018: GERMANY – Berlin, Mercedes-Benz Arena
April 17, 2018: BELGIUM – Antwerp, Sportpaleis
April 19, 2018: SPAIN – Barcelona, Palau, Sant Jordi
April 20, 2018: SPAIN – Madrid, Palacio Vistalegre

How to become a Correspondent:

  • Step 1: Ask yourself if this is something you would like to do.
    We need someone who really wants to share their own experience by taking photos, videos and providing intel and creativity. We want someone who has lots and lots of love for Lana, but is also responsible.
  • Step 2: Send an e-mail to by saying which show are you attending and filling in the form below:
    Country of origin:
    Social networks [insert links]:
    How do you think you can collaborate with the live coverage:
    Which device do you have to take photos and videos:
    What’s the quality of the camera of your device from 1 to 5:
    Do you think you can manage to send us some content during the day through Twitter DMs and by e-mail:
Arquivado em: News , Other

Michael Hunt, 43, was recently arrested by Orlando Police after they stopped his attempt to kidnap Lana Del Rey at her Amway Center concert in Orlando on February 2.

Orlando Police received a credible tip-off from a caller who said Hunt had shared “cryptic and threatening” posts on social media, between Jan 29 and Feb 2, about Lana.

A Facebook page, belonging to Hunt, had several worrying posts, including “I want to see my queen on Friday and from that day forward our decisions will be as one.” He added, “I’m going to probably finish out her tour with her, obviously, and dance and talk and figure out what we’re going to do.”

A spokesman for Orlando Police said, “When he was taken into custody, Hunt was in possession of tickets to the Lana Del Rey performance and a knife.”

The police were able to arrest Hunt before he got near the venue. “At no time was he able to make contact with Ms. Grant.”

As well as the safety of Lana, there was also concern regarding the safety of the general public. Hunt already has 61 felony convictions that range from drugs to violent crimes, and he has served five prison sentences.

The police shared a statement:

We, at, would also like to issue a statement:

With the news of Michael Hunt’s arrest, we are shocked and unsettled to learn of his intentions. We are extremely grateful that Lana Del Rey is safe, and we are thankful to the caller that tipped off Orlando Police. We would also like to thank the OPD themselves for intercepting the plot to kidnap Del Rey with exceptional speed and care, resulting in the safety of Del Rey and the general public.

Hunt was unfortunately no stranger to us, having left thousands of messages and comments on our Facebook page. Following our normal procedure when we get hate, spam and weird messages, we blocked Hunt on January 31st, 2018.

We urge fans to take extra caution online and report any suspicious behaviour to the correct authorities.

– The management of

UPDATE: Lana recently tweeted saying that she is “doing fine” after these recent events.

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Arquivado em: Love , News , Other , Photos , Videos

The first official music video to mark the big return of Lana Del Rey is finally out! ‘LOVE’, directed by Rich Lee, is a surreal vintage space love story that ultimately speaks for itself.

Lana’s videos are often simple, yet very aesthetically pleasing – and ‘LOVE’ is no exception. The video shows Lana, in black and white, singing dreamily as she wears a white dress and flowers in her hair. This is intertwined – in colour – with the vintage space love story, featuring beautiful landscape imagery of outer space.

The video, and Lana herself, are presented with a classy elegance but manage to take you on a journey that makes you feel like you’ve seen the world. Lana sings delicately and full of passion, treating us to some full smiles. After all, Lana said this album is one for her fans. Watch it below!

During the morning of the video premiere, Lana was live on Instagram to announce the release and share some thoughts with her fans: “I have lots of cool things to keep on telling you over the month and some cool events coming up too so look out for that.”; “My favorite part of the video… we have all of our friends in the video (…) I just love everything Rich did, which making the space scenes look so real but so surreal at the same time.” And about the aesthetic of the upcoming album she said: “I would say retro-sensibility with a futuristic flair.

Videography > Love (2017) > Screencaptures
x— 588 Pictures were added —x

‘LOVE’ is the first track to be taken from her forthcoming album, which is due out later this year. The album is a body of work created by Lana and her longtime producer and collaborator Rick Nowels. Producers Benny Blanco and Emile Haynie also participated on ‘LOVE’. The album is also set to include some exciting guest featured artists – full details to be shared at a later date. Of the announcement, Lana said: “I made my first 4 albums for me, but this one is for my fans and about where I hope we are all headed”.

Post in collaboration with House of 27.
More? Follow us on Twitter | Instagram & Like us on Facebook.

Arquivado em: Love , News , Other , Videos

Look at you kids, you know you’re the coolest
The world is yours and you can’t refuse it
Seen so much, you could get the blues
But that don’t mean that you should abuse it
~ full lyrics here ~

Hours after a series of promotional posters popping up on the streets of Los Angeles, Lana Del Rey has released ‘LOVE’, her first cinematic track to be taken from her forthcoming album, which is due out later this year.

The album is a body of work created by Lana and her longtime producer and collaborator Rick Nowels. Producers Benny Blanco and Emile Haynie also participated on ‘LOVE’. The album is also set to include some exciting guest featured artists – full details to be shared at a later date. Of the announcement, Lana said: “I made my first 4 albums for me, but this one is for my fans and about where I hope we are all headed”.

Buy and stream ‘LOVE’:

Google Play
Apple Music

The music video for ‘LOVE’ will also be revealed very soon. Stay tuned!


Post in collaboration with House of 27.
More? Follow us on Twitter | Instagram & Like us on Facebook.

Arquivado em: Appearances , News , Other

On February 11, 2017, Lana Del Rey was spotted enjoying some time at a club in Los Angeles, USA with friends. Among them, there were Miles Kane and Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys. Can we start fangirling a bit?

More? Follow us on Twitter | Instagram & Like us on Facebook.

Arquivado em: Candids , News , Other , Photos

On October 5th, 2016 Lana Del Rey was with her friend and medium Fleur in Hollwywood, USA.


it’s a Wednesday, and that’s good enough reason to go out for chocolate cake. 👯

Uma foto publicada por Fleur (@mediumfleur) em


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Site: Lana Del Rey Fan
Management: Marta & Toni
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Design: Priim
Hosting: Flaunt
Since: December 8, 2011
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